Thursday, June 18, 2009

Was I too sensitive?

At K2's Parent-Teacher day just before the June School Holidays, I noticed a little drawing done by him with some words below.

It said (in Chinese) : ......... "my mom loves my brother, I love my mom"

I was astounded!

I asked him, why didn't he write "my mom loves me, I love my mom"? Did he think that I did not love him? Have I neglected him? Am I a bad mother? Does he not know that I love him very much?

I could not sleep that night! I kept thinking about it the day after.

I have to think about what had gone wrong. How I can convey to K2 that I love him very very much. The only way would be to spend more time with him. But how? With very limited time that I have at home after work, I have to split my time between coaching K1 his school work, looking after Baby K3 - so where do I find the time to play Bakukan with K2? But I will have to work it out.

After asking him for a few days, he finally told me, he said he copied it from what the teacher wrote on the whiteboard.


Was I too sensitive?