Wednesday, July 8, 2009


The workers were working outside our gate the last few days.

One day, they buzzed the door bell and told all of us to move our cars outside because they were about to dig a trench outside of our gate and we would not be able to move our car if we do not take them out soon.

There were 3 cars we needed to move. Kenneth's car, my car and Papa's car.

It was such a nuisance having to walk outside of the gate to the car. Also, there was a excavator and so much work going on, I was afraid that they may unknowingly scratch my car.

About 3 days later, we were allowed to park in our house again. However, the big excavator was still there. And the rubble that they had dug up were blocking a third of the width of the gate. In backing my car out of the driveway, I was afraid that there may be a nail somewhere that may puncture my car.

I was thinking what a nuisance these workers were.

Until one day, while I was backing my car out of the driveway, and Keith was in my car with me. I was reversing my car very carefully and slowly.

Although I had not discussed my sentiments about these inconveniences with Keith, he commented, what are nuisance these works and these workers are.

At that moment, I explained to Keith about the works that the workers were doing, and that they are working in the hot sun, so their work must be hard. I also explained to Keith about how putting up with a little inconveniences for a few days means that we will have a better environment when the works are completed. In fact, I suggested to Keith that we should offer the workers some cold drinks to help them out in the heat.

After saying all these, I caught myself by surprise.

Was that the Holy Spirit? Was that God speaking through me?

I had never thought such thoughts before, and I can feel God's love for them bagladeshi / chinese workers.

The love of God just overwhelmed me!

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