Wednesday, August 12, 2009

When the children were little....

When Keith was little, he was the most wonderful and cute baby we had ever seen. We showed a baby picture of Kenneth to Kelvin, and told him that was Keith. He believed us! That shows the resemblance of father and son. Being a first time mom trying her darnest to nurse her child, it took almost 2.5 years to wean Keith off.

When Karl was little, he was the most wonderful and cute baby we had every seen. Some said he looked like Grandma. Now an experienced mom, Mom managed enough milk to nurse Karl only on her milk for more than a year. Karl weaned himself off.

Now that Khloe is little, she is the most wonderful and cute baby we had ever seen. She looks like mommy, no doubt about that. She sleeps through the night when she was barely 6 months. She still looks for mom to nurse her before she sleeps, mom wants to wean her off soon.

We are so blessed. God blessed us with 3 very wonderful children.

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