Saturday, April 25, 2009


Let me state for the record that those who have met my Mom-In-Grace (MIG) will not fail to exclaim how young she looks for a MIG. Yes, my MIG is well-groomed, educated, worked all her life as a teacher and a very sharp woman.

So we were all surprised when she told us what happened to her on Friday.

A scam which all of us heard of before. She received a call at home on Friday. The caller, a lady, claimed to be someone from the High Court. She told my MIG that the police had raided the home of a loanshark and among the records kept the loan shark, was my MIG's name and telephone number. She claimed that my MIG had let the loanshark use her bank account for illegal transaction and therefore she has committed a crime. A CID officer will be coming to arrest my MIG that evening. My MIG, who is a law abiding citizen, was freaked out. Then the lady asked my MIG to help with the investigation. She asked my MIG to use her mobile phone to call her in order for them to be in contact at all times. She told my MIL that she has now programmed her mobile phone, so that by dialling 123, my MIG will be able to reach her. She told my MIG that she was not to speak to anyone about this because this case is still under investigation. I am not sure what else was said, but they spent more than an hour on the phone with my MIG trying to verify what she said and whether she was who she said she was. My guess is that during this time, she had probably 'hypnotised' her, otherwise, I have no explanation of what happened next.

Following her instruction, my MIG left the house, went to the bank to draw out almost all her money. She told my MIG to take note of which teller (whether a man or a lady) was attending to her because the CID officer will be checking with the bank officer later. She was told to keep most of the withdrawal at home but only bring S$10k with her to Lucky Plaza. She even told my MIG to ask receipt from the taxi driver because it can be 'claimed' back for helping with the investigation. After getting to Luck Plaza, she told my MIG to transmit S$10k at "Gem" - I think this is a money changer - to a man and a bank account in KL. The girl at Gem said she can only accept S$2k, so my MIG asked for instruction (by dialing 123 on her phone). She expressed surprise because she's never had trouble transmitting S$10k before and instructed my MIG to go to the next one at Western Union to transmit the balance of S$8k. The lady at Western Union asked my MIG why she was transmitting so much money and my MIG even made up stories, as instructed by the lady on the phone, just so the money will be accepted.

She then went home in a daze.

At this time, around 4pm, my Father-in-Grace (FIG) had just come home from work. When my MIG was talking on the phone with the lady, he got suspicious and asked her about it. She shouted at my FIG that she was under investigation and she cannot reveal anything and cannot discuss with him. My FIG said that it is a scam and she has been cheated. She refused to listen and even when out of the house to speak to the lady. My MIG told my FIG not to interfere and that CID will be home to arrest her very soon. After some shouting, she finally came to her senses that it could possibly be a scam. Immediately, she called up Gem and Western Union to stop the remittance. Western Union agreed instantly, whereas Gem was reluctant at first. After getting her money back, they went to report the case to the police at Cantonment Police Station. The police confirmed that this is a scam before my MIG fully believe that it is a scam. During this time, the lady called my MIG's mobile phone non stop continuously, even at the police station. She was not even afraid to speak to the police - maybe she did not believe that my MIG had really gone to the police station.

We were so glad that she got her money back at the last minute and we all believe that it must have been God's protection for us.

The bible is right, we cannot live a life of prevention, we can only rely on God and live a life of protection.


Mom's new teeth

Sometime in Mar 09, Mom told me that some of her teeth on the upper side are shaky. She told me that she was going to remove all her teeth on the upper side and put in new dentures. I wasn't sure if that was a good idea but guess she knows best.

On one of the days when I went home to visit her (we don't have a regular visiting schedule to mom's unlike many other Singaporeans), she has already had all her teeth on the upper side removed. She was so conscious of how she might look that she kept covering her mouth when talking to me. I felt like such a lousy daughter. I wasn't even there for her when she got her teeth (I think 5 of them) removed. She told me later that it had to be done in 2 different sessions and after the first one, one side of her face swell up so badly that she could not eat. I felt awful.

But I did nothing, except to call her more regularly to see if she was ok.

On my next visit, I think it was early Apr 09, she said that she was worried that her dentures won't be done on time for her trip to Genting on 27 Apr 09. I comforted her by saying that I am sure it will turn out alright and that I will pray for her. But again, I did nothing much.

I did not wonder if she would feel ashame to go to the market to buy food without her teeth. I did not wonder if she had food to eat. I did not wonder if she was eating well.

Some days later, I did wonder, so I bought some cod fish and digestive biscuits - some of the 'soft' food that I thought people without teeth will be able to eat.

Again, my concern for my mother ended there.

Since she 'grounded' herself at home, I did not try to go home more often to keep her company. I did not do marketing for her so that she did not have to do it.

I am glad to tell you that she has now gotten her new dentures and it fits her well. We went out for a nice meal to celebrate and she showed off her new dentures by eating peanuts. That must have felt good :-)

After this incident, I realise that no matter how much you love your children and how much they love you, the children can never out-love their mother's love for them.

Similarly, we cannot love God more than His love for us.

I have got to make more effort and time to love my mother. Afterall, I only have one parent left to love.

Let me think about ways which I could love my mother:

a. spend more time with her
b. bring grandchildren to see her more often
c. give her more money
d. give her more money
e. give her more money

I can't think of anythings else :-(

Love and expect nothing in return.

First, there was K1

The year was 2000.

I was pleased to find out that I was expecting a boy.

Since I was young, I have heard stories from my mother, about how she was expected to produce an heir for the Family. Therefore, she had to endure 3 caesarian operation and she was finally blessed with a son the third time around. I was her second daughter, I wonder if I was a disappointment?

So I was pleased to know that I was expecting a boy as my first child. That would mean that I will not be under pressure to produce heir.

Please don't misunderstand. Nobody gave me any pressure. Not my parents, nor my parents-in-grace. Nor my husband.

But I did have acquaintances and friends, who found out that I was expecting a boy, and they went "this is so great, your mother-in-law must be very happy". I bet she was, but I don't think she was overly concerned over whether it would be a boy or a girl.

I was diagnosed with pregnancy induced high blood pressure when I was pregnant with K1. This meant that there is a higher possibility of pre-emclampsia, a condition in which the baby could suddenly detach itself from the womb and dies. The EDD was 5 Aug 2000. Dr Seng Kwang Meng (sadly passed away early last year) instructed us to be admitted to Gleneagle hospital on 27 July 2000 at 5pm. Nobody wanted to take any risks.

K did not return home from work that night until past 7pm. He was not concerned since I was not yet in labour. We even took our dinner at ANA hotel (now demolished) before going to the hospital, since I thought that there will be lots of food I may not be able to take after giving birth.

At the hospital, the nurses strapped 2 straps around my tummy. One was to monitor the baby's movement. The other was to monitor the baby's heartbeat. After she had found the right position on my tummy to place the sensors, she asked me not to move as the monitoring needs to be done for 30 minutes. I dared not move. She returned shortly and found that the baby had moved and she had to reposition the sensors again. This process repeated itself a few times until I was really tired. She commented that we have a very active baby, which we know now is not true.

She also inserted some medicine to induce birth and told me to go to sleep. I remember feeling bad that K had to sleep uncomfortably on the narrow sofa bed. I made space and we both slept on the bed, before long, he was snoring away.

We were awoken at 6 am to be prepared for delivery. I was taken to the delivery suite and given an epidural. Shortly after, I lost sensation of my lower body. K and I watched TV while waiting for something to happen. At this time, I saw my mother-in-grace coming into the deliver suite to see how we were doing. She was quickly asked to leave by the nurse as only Spouse is allowed. As the nurses had told me that it may be another 8-10 hours before delivery, I asked K to drive my mother-in-grace home. And it was at this time when K left that Dr Seng came to check on me. He said that it has been too long and I was not dilated at all. In the interest of the baby, he suggested that I should have a caesarian - this was found to be a good decision as K1 was found to have the ambilical cord around his neck. I tried to contact K but to no avail as his mobile phone was on silent mode and he did not know I was trying to reach him. I had to sign an indemnity form by myself before being wheeled into the operating room.

I remember being very afraid. I was afraid that I will not wake up to see my baby.

The anaethesian told me to breath normally and count to 3 while he held something over my nose. I pushed him away 2 times saying that I was cold and they brought me blankets. I asked him what will happen if I don't wake up. He assured me that he will watch me closely and make sure that does not happen. Finally at the third time, I counted I was out.

Someone was shaking me quite hard, 'Mdm C, Mdm C, your husband is here to see you.'. K had requested to see me while I was still in the recovery room at the operating theatre. He had seen K1 being taken out of the delivery suite to be cleaned at the Nursery. He told me that when he first saw K1 - he was moved to tears. I vaguely recall seeing K and then I dosed off again.

The next time I woke up, I was back in my room and I saw my mother. My throat was dry and it hurts. It was because they had inserted a tube through my throat to help me breath while I was under GA. When I tried to cough, my caesarian wound hurts. I could not sit up. Immediatly, I asked to see my baby. When they brought him to me, K1 was the most perfect and beautiful baby I had ever seen. But it felt strange at first, as if the baby was not mine. It was one day later when it started to dawn on me that I am now a mother, and this baby is my child. As I held him close and nurse him, I felt that I was complete as a woman.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Blessed to be a mother

We did not like children.

When we got married, we thought a dog would be a much better idea.

We find children messy, dirty and noisy. We've heard that they suck your life out of you and are demanding little brats. They are expensive to keep and grow up to be ingrates (this we heard from our parents). Worst, have you heard what pregnancy will do to your looks?

So we did not want to have children.

When I first conceived in 1999 accidentally, and lost the baby 5 weeks later, I was devastated regardless. Miscarriages? I have heard about these things that happen to others, but it is not supposed to happen to me. After that first incident, it was so that there were 2 others, one before each child was born.

What does God say about miscarriages?

Matthew 18:14
So it is not the will of my Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.

So I know that my miscarriages are not doings of God. And I know from Proverbs 6:31 that

But if he be found, he shall restore sevenfold; he shall give all the substance
of his house.
So I now that also, that my 3 living children, are blessed with sevenfold blessings over other children.

We are now blessed with 3 healthy, happy children. What the world say about children, we realised, is completely untrue. I am very happy to be a mother, and cannot imagine a world without mine. So what does the bible say about children? (see

Children Are A Gift
Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.(Psalms 127:3-5)
And see here, what the bible says about child birth:

John 16:21
When a woman is giving birth, she has sorrow because her hour has come, but when she has delivered the baby, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world.

The bible is so true.

Being a mother also makes you think more about your relationship with your own mother, and for me, my mother-in-grace as well. I lived for about 20 years with my mother and for about 11 years with my mother-in-grace.

was curious to know about what the bible says about motherhood, so I googled and found these verses at Since Mother's Day is just around the corner, I would like to dedidate these verses to my mother, and my mother-in-grace. Without whom none of my angel babies will exist.


Mother is adored in each part of the universe. Even the Lord give due respect to the mother. The great epic 'Bible' also throws light on the place of mother in the
life of a human being. What 'Bible' says about mother is...

Gen 3:20
Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living.
Exo 20:12"Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long
in the land the LORD your God is giving you.

Lev 19:3 "Each of you must respect his mother and father, and you must observe my Sabbaths. I am the LORD your God.

Deu 5:16 "Honor your father and your mother, as the LORD your God has commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with
you in the land the LORD your God is giving you.

Prov 10:1 The proverbs of Solomon: A wise son brings joy to his father, but a foolish son grief to his mother.

Isa 66:13 As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; and you will be comforted over Jerusalem."

Ezek 16:44"Everyone who quotes proverbs will quote this proverb about you: "Like mother, like daughter."

So, I am happy, and feel so blessed, to be a proud mother of 3.