Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Our first family crisis

We had never had to work together as a family the way we did last Sunday.

We decided to check out the brand new shopping mall, the ION at Orchard Road. While we were window shopping, Khloe was a bit cranky. Thinking that she may be hungry, I made milk for her and fed her sitting on a bench in the atrium, while Kenneth brought Karl to the toilet. While feeding her, she suddenly sat up and throw up all over me!

I was caught in shock and embarrassment as this has never happened to me before. I had to bear with the stare of curious on-lookers, try to pacific a wailing baby, and both of us covered in puke. Keith quickly gave Kenneth a call and Dad came running to help with lots of tissue paper.

For some strange reason, the toilets are located 2 floors up from the ground floor. Thank God for the wonderful toilet facilities at the ION. We went into a 'family' toilet meant for little kids. There, we cleaned up Khloe and as this was meant to be a short trip, we didn't bring any spare clothes for her. Luckily, we had brought along a little sweater for her, so she was fine in her diapers and sweater.

It was a bit harder to clean me up. I was at my wits end and did not know what to do. I thought of asking Kenneth to buy some clothes for me, only if we were not in such an upmarket mall where only the top brands are here. Suddenly, an idea struck!

I asked Keith to give me his clothes, which he obediently gave. And I asked Karl to give his clothes to Keith, which he obediently gave too. Now we are left with an almost naked Karl. We packed him into the pram and pulled won the cover so he cannot be seen from outside.

Bless these little boys for being so helpful. I was really pleased that we all work together as a family to resolve this little crisis. We quickly got everyone packed into our car and got home as soon as we can.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Singlish has no place at work

I am working on a mega project with many other races and nationalities. At the management level, the committee which I sit in consists of French, British, American and German. I am the only Singaporean in the committee.

It is a very bizarre thing for me, to work in my own country but face racial discrimination. Both from others, and also my own country men.

Another Singaporean working on the same project says it is colonial mindset.

I don't know what it is.

But whenever there is a difference of opinion, it seems the whiter your skin, the more value there is, and the more people are willing to listen. Perhaps I am too sensitive, perhaps Singaporeans are just not very good at expressing ourselves, explaining our points clearly and concisely, hence no one has the patience to figure out what we are actually saying.

And Singaporeans are very quick to dismiss Singaporeans, preferring instead to listen to what the "foreign talents" have to say, there is just so much to learn from them.

It is very important for us Singaporeans to be able to speak English that is internationally understood. Singlish has no place at work.

At the end of the workday, I really enjoy just staying at home with my children. At least, I know that I am loved unconditionally, 'regardless of race, language or religion'.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

When the children were little....

When Keith was little, he was the most wonderful and cute baby we had ever seen. We showed a baby picture of Kenneth to Kelvin, and told him that was Keith. He believed us! That shows the resemblance of father and son. Being a first time mom trying her darnest to nurse her child, it took almost 2.5 years to wean Keith off.

When Karl was little, he was the most wonderful and cute baby we had every seen. Some said he looked like Grandma. Now an experienced mom, Mom managed enough milk to nurse Karl only on her milk for more than a year. Karl weaned himself off.

Now that Khloe is little, she is the most wonderful and cute baby we had ever seen. She looks like mommy, no doubt about that. She sleeps through the night when she was barely 6 months. She still looks for mom to nurse her before she sleeps, mom wants to wean her off soon.

We are so blessed. God blessed us with 3 very wonderful children.