Thursday, August 13, 2009

Singlish has no place at work

I am working on a mega project with many other races and nationalities. At the management level, the committee which I sit in consists of French, British, American and German. I am the only Singaporean in the committee.

It is a very bizarre thing for me, to work in my own country but face racial discrimination. Both from others, and also my own country men.

Another Singaporean working on the same project says it is colonial mindset.

I don't know what it is.

But whenever there is a difference of opinion, it seems the whiter your skin, the more value there is, and the more people are willing to listen. Perhaps I am too sensitive, perhaps Singaporeans are just not very good at expressing ourselves, explaining our points clearly and concisely, hence no one has the patience to figure out what we are actually saying.

And Singaporeans are very quick to dismiss Singaporeans, preferring instead to listen to what the "foreign talents" have to say, there is just so much to learn from them.

It is very important for us Singaporeans to be able to speak English that is internationally understood. Singlish has no place at work.

At the end of the workday, I really enjoy just staying at home with my children. At least, I know that I am loved unconditionally, 'regardless of race, language or religion'.

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