Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Depository of Useless Information

K is very different from me.

He loves to read. He reads widely from history, geography, arts, gaming, cars, watches (favourite!) and whatnots.

I love to read too. But I prefer books that are to the point and explain concepts simply - eg comic books.

I was impressed by K's general knowledge when we were dating. It was his wide spectrum of knowledge that was attractive to me.

After being married for almost 11 years now, K continues his reading, and he jokingly calls himself a DUI - a Depository of Useless Information. His knowledge is really handy when I want to know something very quickly - He is like my personal wikipedia.

Our son, K1, is coming to 9 this year. He started reading in K2 (or was it K1?) and hasn't stopped reading since. He is just like his dad. They both love reading while in the toilet - which is irritating to the rest of us wanting to use the toilet (not that there are no other toilets at home, but we like to use the one attached to our bedroom).

We were watching Wolverine at the movies last weekend. K1 was sitting next to me. About half an hour into the show, K1 whispered to me : mom, do you think this is his real memory or a planted one? I said : what? K1 repeated his question. I said : what do you mean planted one? K1 said : they captured Wolverine, erased his memory and planted a new one. I said : really? how do you know (the movie wasn't even talking about this).

K1, kinda in a smart aleck way said : I am a knower of such things.

Like father, like son.

DUI and dui.

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