Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A vulgar word.

To me, Examination is a vulgar word.

I hate examinations. I did my Masters almost 10 years after my first degree. While I was studying, I asked myself, why o why? Why do you do this to yourself? Why do you need more exams?

I was in school since 3 years old. I was born in Jan and my mom always thought that I had 'wasted' 1 year, because if I had been born 1 month earlier, I would have been in school 1 year early. So she sent me off to school as long as the kindergarten would allow it so as not to 'waste time'.

I dislike the Singapore education system in my time (has it changed?). When I was in school, I was made to memorize formulas, periodic table etc... Why? In real life, whoever memorizes the periodic table? Sure, you will know the few common ones like calcium, sodium, potassium etc... but why do you have to know all the elements in the periodic table and its periodic number? In real life, people just have a chart with them all the time. They are not going to risks getting it wrong.

I am really bad with memorizing stuff.

In secondary school, we had a thick book of Chinese Idioms that is orange in colour. Every week, we had to memorize 20 idioms. We had to know how to write it, how it came about, what is the meaning and to be able to form a sentence with it. It was horrible!

I am left school for almost 20 years now. Guess what? I still get dreams occasionally of exams!! I am sitting outside the exam hall, holding my notes and trying to memorize some formula. And then it was time to get into the school hall, I walked to my seat and could not remember a thing - either that or I had forgotten to study. When I woke up and realise that this is all just a dream, I was so thankful!

My son is now in P3.

When he sits for his exam, it is almost like I am sitting for exam - even though I don't think I am as KS as many other parents in Singapore (the most I would do is to take leave the day before the exam to revise his work with him) - but the feeling is horrible. It is more horrible than actually taking the exam myself.

How do I teach someone NOT to be careless? Not to miss answering questions. To know that exams are not about who finishes the exam paper first ! How to not stare into the air when you are doing work.

The email from church came timely. The message from Kenneth Hagin last week was so apt. He quoted the bible : cast ALL your cares on to the Lord and He will take care of it.

Lord - take care of K1's exam. I am casting my cares onto you.

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