Sunday, May 17, 2009

What would be my ideal car?

Now that the decision on 'to buy' or 'not to buy' was over, K and I set out to look for that ideal car for me.

The next decision we had to make was how much to spend on this second car - not forgetting that it is a 'want', not a 'need'. This decision is also somewhat linked to whether we should buy a used car or a new car? What car to buy and what colour?

Decisions! Decisions! Decisions!

We started out our car shopping at the CarMart at Eunos. We started looking at pre-owned cars but weren't sure what we were looking for.

Since K already had a sedan, I thought it might be useful to buy a MPV which can fit our whole family (including Grandparents) during the weekends (not that we go out together a lot), and give the children more space. With 3 kids (including a baby chair) and maid it tow, I felt we needed more space. Honda Stream (my cousin Teck has one and he swears by it!) seems to be a good option as it is a smallish MPV - easier for me to handle.

K was not really supportive of MPVs because I may be the only one driving an empty big car most of the time. He was more tuned towards a 2-seater car, like the Daihatsu Copen (600cc convertible hard top!) or the RX8 (1.3l, Rotary Engine).

We came across a May 08 RX8 with a low mileage of 11,000km at We went to see it and I fell instantly in love with it. It had everything I wanted - good looks (cool red leather seats, dark silver colour body), low running costs (very low road tax since it is only a 1.3l car), well maintained (it looks brand new!) and best of all it seats 4 and although it looks like a 2-door car, it actually has 4 doors. The agent wanted S$78,880 for it. I wasn't sure if it was the car for me. I said I will think about it.

That evening, my 'ideal car' was sold.

The next day, we met with our friend Barry who knows a lot about cars. He once changed 18 cars in a year! He told me that he had many friends who sold their RX8 because the central pillar in the car gets very hot due to the Rotary Engine. The other complain was the high fuel consumption even for a low capacity car. Since I think Barry knows best, I stopped thinking about buying the RX8.

However, K was not convinced by Barry. He continue to look at the RX8 in the sgcarmar and urged me to call my JC friend who owns a RX8.

I am thankful that God blesses me with so many great friends. Not only did my JC friend drove his car to my office and took me out for lunch, he even let me test drive his car along the ECP. He had been driving the car for close to 2 years now and only has good things to say about it.

After that ride, I wavered.

That evening, I learned from the car agent that the man who 'bought' the RX8 could not get his loan approved. So we took a look at it again and I totally love it. Again this time, I said that I am very keen but I did not have my cheque book with me. I told the agent that I was keen to get the car. We settled on S$77k.

I was so happy.

But yet unsure.

Is the ergonomics of the car suitable for me? As you know, I am a little petite and I did sense some trouble reaching the accelerator even when I pushed my seat all the way to the front.

The next day, the car agent called to say that the man had asked for more time. And this time, he will try to get a loan from his company.

WHAT? Is this man desperate or what?

God, if this car is for me, please make sure that his loan with the company will not be approved.

Please God. I want that car. I am sure now God, I will not waver again.

I waited anxiously and patiently for the whole day. I looked at the picture in sgcarmart, and showed it to my colleague in the office. I imagine myself driving that car. Looks pretty cool, I thought.

And I did not hear from the car agent. K said I should call. I did not want to sound desperate. But I wanted to know :-( So I called.

Alas! The RX8 was not meant to be.

I was heartbroken.

I texted my brother and a few friends who knew.

I said that God does not want me to have this car. He must have something better in store for me!! And I said 'Amen' to that!

I cannot wait to see what it might be!

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