Thursday, May 7, 2009


No, 'lky' is not our Minister Mentor.

It spells 'i-k-y'!

As I was growing up, my mom used to educate us about the invisible germs.

When we come home from the outside, she forbade us from sitting on the sofa. Why mom? She said that when we take the bus, we bring back germs from the bus home. And if we sit on the sofa, those germs are then transferred to our sofa, which is a 'clean' zone where we relax after we bath.

I was flabbergasted!

Worried about germs we cannot see? Come on Mom, don't be such a wussy! forward to year 2009......I am now a mother of 3 .............

I don't allow my children (or my husband for that matter) to go onto my bed if they don't change out of their clothes in which they go out with. Geez! Who knows? There could be germs from K2 sitting on the floor in the kindergarten, and that floor he sat on could have germs from the toilets brought about by shoes of the teachers who had just gone to pee.....and so it goes.

I am also iky about toilet flushes and toilet locks. I will not touch the public toilet locks and flushes. If I can, I will use a toilet paper as a 'shield' or 'protection' when I flush or lock the toilet door. I mean - these are the 2 most contaminated places in the toilet. Imagine someone just finish peeing (or doing other stuff) and then before washing their hands, they will need to flush and open the door to get out. Can you imagine the number of germs in these 2 places?

I have also witnessed girls who don't wash their hands after they go to the toilet. Have their mom taught them nothing?

Just the other day, K1 proudly told me about something that he had just learnt from "horrible science" book that he's been reading. He said 'mom, do you know that when you flush the toilet, there are microscopic bits of poo and pee in the air? But don't worry, the book said that it will not do us any harm.'.

Thanks a lot, K1 - now I have something else to worry about, I will need to close the toilet seat cover before I flush, else there will be microscopic bits of pee on myself. But what if the gal in the next cubicle flushes? Will microscopic bits of her be floating towards me? Do I stop breathing?

What is happening to me?

I am growing into my mom!!

What a scary thought!!!!

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